Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What if you woke up this morning with ONLY the things you told God thank you for on yesterday?

So this morning, I wake up exetremly grateful. Grateful for so many things. Lashun Pace has a song that talks about looking back over her life and realizing her times are in the Lord's hands. This is where I am today.

I woke up this morning and I could breath. You may say, "So what?". However, when I think about all the various toxins I have placed in and on my body, I shiver in gratitude unto Him. For years, I have eaten all kinds of crap with no thoughts given or remorse. I have sat in smoked filled clubs breathing in nasty fumes of God only knows what. So many days I have never even given the ability to breath any thought because it was so normal and consistant. However, this morning I began to think of the song that said this is the air I breath........ This is not my air. I am not entitled to it. God gave it to me as a gift. His way of giving me another opportunity to do just what he designed me to do - - BLESS HIM.

With that same thought in mind, I began to get ready for work. As I got ready I began to thank him for every body part that I touched and felt moving. Remember back in school, we had to learn the names of all the muscles, bones and parts. I have always catergorized this as useless vocabulary. But it on this day, I was not only grateful I had a name for the little patella bone in my knee  but grateful it was working to help me bend over and put on my shoes. Someone couldn't stand or bend this morning, when my undeserving self jumped right out of bed sooooooo many mornings complaining about how I wished I didn't have to get up.

I mean, really?!!

I walked into my children's room to wake them for school. They were sleeping so soundly as I walked over toys and shoes that were not put up as instructed. This morning, I did not find it so annoying. There are so many children who don't have what what my husband and I have been blessed to give our children. I started to think. They could leave toys out for weeks and still have enough in the toy box to play with. Clothes for months. Shoes for months. And not because I'm such a great mom with a successful job but because of His favor.  Our bank account sometimes seem like the five loaves of bread Jesus multiplied. Our cup continually runs over.

Nonetheless, the family that oftens runs me ragged and gets on my nerves are my precious jewels. I can't believe God would allow ole' April Chanel to be the caretaker of them. I have no skills, no entitlement, no special talents or knowledge. However, he deemed it a necessary. He trusted me with their lives, status, future, mind sets, rearing, and nurturing.

I get so frustrated with life some days. However, I began to look at it from a different angle today. I do not look AT ALL like what I have been through, done, experienced or heard.  Shoot, I realized this morning - my body doesn't even look like it held three babies!!! (Of this I am really thankful, lol) My physical NOR my spiritual appearance give clue to the story. My history is really HIS STORY. The story of how he allowed every task, trial, circumstance, situation, person, job, class, success, and failure to make me grateful. It was all to get me to this point.


Until next time folks.........Signed, Grateful One

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