Friday, August 12, 2016

Search Me

Every morning for the last few weeks, I have been asking God to search my heart. I got this phrase from Psalm 139. In Psalm 139, David asked God to search him. He said, Search me, God, and know my heart. He didn't say this because God didn't already know his heart. No, God knows everything, always. He wasn't going to find anything new in David’s heart. That “search me”request was not because of what God might find, but because of what He might reveal.

I have a friend who is currently dealing with a realtor. She cleaned her house perfectly before showing it to the realtor, in hopes that her house would be quick sell. Instead, the realtor told her to get rid of the her shelving, replace the carpet where the dog sleeps, and repaint the baby room! Asking God to search us is just like that. He comes in and opens our heart and eyes to all the trash we couldn’t see. Just like selling a house, we then get to choose if we take the advice to make the changes.

But let me just say, having junk doesn’t condemn us. David wasn't squeaky clean. He committed adultery and murder. Yet, God still called him a man after His own heart. So get over the fear of being found out. God already knows everything in your heart. Ask God to show you what He knows. Then get rid of the junk so you can get the most bang for your buck.

So I pray that God reveals to you the junk in your life that offends Him. I pray that His revelation causes you to be offended like Him. I pray that it begins to smell like old trash to you.  I pray that you see and be what God sees in you.

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