Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The healing process

So a couple of weeks ago, Joshua and I were preparing dinner. He insisted on using the can opener. I informed him that he didn't know how, yet he was persistent. I let him give it a try. He tore the can so badly that I had to use a butter knife to pop it open. While doing so, I sliced my finger. I am free bleeder so it looked worse than it was.I know to squeeze it to stop the bleeding. I didn't feel like going to ER, so I patched up tightly and decided to "thug" it until the next day. The next day, campus nurse tells me I should have had it stitched but it was not in my best interest to re-open it and risk infection.Anyway, it throbbed a few days (nothing Ms. Toughie couldn't handle). However, I noticed how much I actually used my finger. It slightly slowed me typing, texting, bathing, etc.

So fast forward to this week and I'm healing up pretty well. The bandage is off. I'm sure my family thinks I'm back to normal. I feel like I am. I don't feel the pain anymore. I can touch it and it not hurt. But for the last few days, when I touch it, I am compelled to keep rubbing it. It doesn't feel like my normal skin. It feels rough because the wounded skin is being peeled off. It just feel right so the human nature in me feels the need to pick with it.

I say all of that to say this:
You got hurt. It may or may not have been a noticeable hurt. Your hurt may not have even been at your own hands. Someone else may have caused your hurt. But by nature, time heals most wounds. So you're healing now. Think about it, it doesn't hurt like it did at first. Certain people can come around you and it doesn't affect you anymore. You can see and hear certain things and they don't start back the throbbing. Even though everyone else thinks you've gotten past the pain, you are still thinking to yourself....things still aren't back to normal. But baby, just hold're almost there!! Just look around, that hurt, at one point, had stopped your productivity (typing), your communication (texting) and had you susceptible to more hurt/infection (bathing). But look at you now, you back to work and being social. You are no longer lying in wait for the wolves who prey on the hurt. You've cleaned up and healing girl. Don't let the devil fool you that because you don't look how you used to look, things are bad off. No baby, this rough part is only an announcement that your healing is almost done.

So I urge you to stop dwelling on it. Stop talking about it. Stop giving it attention. Truth is, it's you that keep examining the wounds. Go on about your day and give no thoughts to that spot except to p

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