Friday, February 5, 2021

A Purposeful Life

Today, I have been prayerful about the impact that I will leave on my family and friends. You know how sometimes you just wonder if your life is impactful.....are you walking out His purpose for your life properly? Well, in prayer, my mind rolled to Esther. Why? I don't know. But I decided to go read the story again.

I noticed something. Esther 2:8 says that Esther was also taken. TAKEN. She didn't go on her on. She was either coerced or forced. Otherwise, it would have said, "she went". I believe there had to be some reluctance on her part. Most times we have to be coerced or forced into our own purposes. I believe if I was to do a survey, most people, walking in purpose, would say that they initially fought against a purposeful life.

I mean, really? Who would voluntarily leave the only family they know for a whole spend one night with a heathen king? No one. I'm sure the town had rumors about what he had done to Queen Vashti. So no one, in their right mind, would COMPETE to be with a king like that. A king that says, "I don't want to get to know her. I don't want to date her. I may not want to marry her. I just want her to show up at night and leave in the morning. I don't want to call or text her. If I want to see her again, I'll let her know".  On a side note, there are so many broken women competing for that kind of man currently.

The women in Esther didn't ask to compete for the king. The Bible said there were officers assigned to gather all the "fair" young women. I have so many problems with this. Fair is another term for pretty. So these women were taken in because of how they looked? But when they got there, they are told they had to go through a year of "beauty treatments". So they still weren't good enough!! Yet, it took all of that for Esther to become queen and save her people.

The Bible says that God knows the plans He has for us. It also says that He directs the steps of the godly and delights in every detail of our lives. So even when it would seem that you have to walk through a process of coercion, rejection, mistreatment or anything else, stand firm and know that His plans are not our plans. You may not understand why He takes us through the seemingly long routes, but He said to lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him and He'll direct your path. You are chosen today!! You are a part of a royal lineage!! Walk in purpose!! Walk in peace!!

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